• How “A Bug’s Life” Revealed the Immorality of Socialism

    June 11, 2022 Emmanuel Rincón There is no ethical or moral reason why somebody should work tirelessly to support a bunch of bureaucrats, and the 1998 Pixar hit seems to grasp this. Nowadays it is difficult to find a film that represents good ideals and lays bare the practices of totalitarianism; in recent decades, the major film producers have left aside in good proportion the stories of heroes and role models to focus on the victims and their suffering at the hands of the oppressors, without really offering any positive or hopeful message, other than to enhance the culture of victimhood. However, in A Bug’s Life this did not happen, although the…

  • Why grammar mistakes in a short email could make some people judge you Julie Boland, Robin Queen I’m a cognitive psychologist who studies language comprehension. If I see an ad for a vacation rental that says “Your going to Hollywood!” it really bugs me. But my collaborator, Robin Queen, a sociolinguist, who studies how language use varies across social groups, is not annoyed by those errors at all. We were curious: what makes our reactions so different? We didn’t think the difference was due to our professional specialties. So we did some research to find out what makes some people more sensitive to writing mistakes than others. What prior research tells us Writing…

  • Jim Abbott

    Amanda J Hales April 25, 2016 Baseball is a game that requires its athletes to run and to bat, catch and pitch a ball. We know the game as America’s Pastime and it’s about as summery as you can get. Young boys and girls play as youngsters with the hopes of one day making it to the big leagues, but the big leagues are only for the elite. What happens, then, if you have a disability? Well, if you are Jim Abbott it’s no big deal. Jim Abbott was born in Flint Michigan and attended the University of Michigan. He excelled at both baseball and football, albeit without the use…

  • Mayra Flores’ victory set a record for women in Congress. It also reflects the growing visibility of Republican Latinas

    June 21, 2022 The rapid gains Republican women have made since 2018 could be a signal for how the party fares in this year’s midterms Mayra Flores was sworn in on Tuesday, becoming Texas’ first Republican Latina to join Congress. Flores’ victory also sets a new milestone: A historic high of 147 women overall and a record 41 Republican women now hold congressional seats, according to data from the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University. Born in Mexico to migrant farmworkers, Flores is a first-time candidate who defeated her Democratic opponent this month in Texas’s 34th congressional district, which is historically Democratic. Flores’ addition to Congress…

  • How recess helps students learn

    Published: February 14, 2022 3.03pm EST Author William Massey Assistant Professor of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University As parents and schools seek to support students’ social and emotional needs – and teach them what they need to learn – some education leaders are missing one particularly effective opportunity. The U.S. Department of Education has offered guidance on how to help students navigate the stress and trauma of the pandemic and readjust to in-person schooling after long periods of closed schools. But as someone who studies recess in connection with child development, I couldn’t help but notice recess was missing from the federal guidance and from many local…

  • How Public Schools Are Failing Our Kids

    I recently read this article about the problems public schools face, and while I agree with the majority of the points the author outlines, I took issue  with one point: http://EzineArticles.com/?Life-Skills—How-Public-Schools-Are-Failing-Our-Kids&id=9765525 As a result of the problems public schools face, the responsibility for teaching life skills has shifted to parents.   ************************************************************** I recently read this article about the problems public schools face, and while I agree with the majority of the points the author outlines, I took issue  with one point: As a result of the problems public schools face, the responsibility for teaching life skills has shifted to parents.   about the problems public schools face, and while I agree…

  • Mama, don’t let your baby grow up to be a snowflake…

    I do not want to raise a kid that can’t do anything for himself. I want Alex to be able to function on his own when he goes to college in a few years, to do his own laundry-especially to get dirt stains out of baseball pants-and to manage his time so that he can study and also have fun. So far, Alex is learning most of the skills he needs, so now I am tackling the biggie-money management. One of the best lessons I did as a parent was during the summer when Alex was about 12 years old and he wanted to buy fast food all the time…

  • Trump May Make History As a ‘Great’ President

    By Madan G Singh  |   Submitted On April 28, 2018 When the United States election campaign commenced Donald Trump was not expected to win. Everybody including the political pundits had forecast that the winner would be Hillary Clinton. However, it did not happen that way and the Dark Horse Donald Trump stormed and won the election. He did not have the popular vote when he became president but that is because of the convoluted system of votes in America. Political stalwarts made forecasts that Donald Trump would be impeached. They also said he was unfit to be the president of the United States of America. Water flows down the river and like the…

  • Why I teach math through knitting

    Sara Jensen, Carthage College One snowy January day, I asked a classroom of college students to tell me the first word that came to mind when they thought about mathematics. The top two words were “calculation” and “equation.” When I asked a room of professional mathematicians the same question, neither of those words were mentioned; instead, they offered phrases like “critical thinking” and “problem-solving.” This is unfortunately common. What professional mathematicians think of as mathematics is entirely different from what the general population thinks of as mathematics. When so many describe mathematics as synonymous with calculation, it’s no wonder we hear “I hate math” so often. So I set out…

  • Dave Smith: My thoughts on why Donald Trump is doing as well as he is 

    Even though I think most of us are tired of being sold, hoodwinked, or basically lied to just to get our votes, we’re pretty much fed up with the normal politician, no matter who they are. But, there are some Americans that still believe some of them are really honest and care…….I’m not sure I know what to say to you guys there, but, how has that been working out for this country? OK, never mind. Anyway, here are some points that may spin a light on why people in the thousands are hopping on the Trump Express: Intense verbal attacks on police officers labeling them as racists who  hunt…